For over 25 years, Emmanuel Ministries has been ministering to the neediest members of society in Guatemala.  It all started when Pastor Eli Turnil was growing up in Guatemala and saw desperate people, from children to adults, running behind garbage trucks destined for the local dump, hoping to be the first to find discarded food or perhaps something salvageable to sell to earn enough for another meal.  He shared this sad story with Larry Derapps, a friend and member of the same congregation in St. Peters, Missouri.  They began to raise funds and travel at their own expense to make a difference.  Ever since, Emmanuel Ministries has been blessed to have at least one team of volunteers per year, covering their own expenses and raising the necessary funds, to make a modest difference in the lives of the poor and indigent in Guatemala.


Children having a look of hopelessness and despair  inspires our children’s ministry.  Starving families, widows, and orphans inspires our grocery ministry.  Children sleeping on the cold, damp, hard floor inspires our bed ministry.  Children wearing the same ripped, dirty clothes every day inspires our clothing ministry.  Children running around with just one old shoe inspires our shoe ministry.  Children not attending school because they could not afford notebooks and pencils inspires our school supplies ministry.  Houses and churches with plastic wrap as walls inspires our construction ministry.  Lack of quality education and access to current technology inspires our Emmanuel Learning Center.


There is no greater sense of satisfaction that can compare with seeing the smiling face of a child that just received a satisfying meal, new clothes and shoes, school supplies, and a new bed with clean sheets and pillows; or a tearful hug of gratitude from a mother that just received a month’s worth of healthy groceries for her family; or a father that is learning a new marketable skill set to provide for his family.  The look of wonder and amazement on a child’s face learning to use a computer and navigate the Internet for the first time is priceless.  They are all a major part of why we do what we do.


Our goal is to transition from making a modest difference to making a substantial impact by expanding our reach with the current ministries as well as broadening our scope by venturing into new ministries.  We know we can do it with the help of generous people like you.  Please join us in our campaign to raise the quality of life and provide a hope for the future for the struggling people of Guatemala.


Help us help THEM!